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Anastasia Jobson photography behind the scenes. Birmingham Photography 2021 in review

Birmingham Photography: 2021 in review

2021, what a year has it been! It did have its ups and downs (thanks, Covid), but we made it! 

Thank you so much everyone for your support this year – whether you booked a photo/video shoot, or even read this blog! I feel eternally grateful for each and everyone of you for making it possible for me to call photography my job and do this everyday!

I’ve always believed in goal setting, though after this year my belief in it is unbreakable! One year ago, as a joke my partner suggested aiming for 100 bookings for a calendar year. 100 sounded like a scary number and felt like a proper challenge. Long story short, I did 104 shoots in total!

2021 Birmingham photography in numbers:

  • 104 projects;
  • 92 photo shoots;
  • 12 video shoots;
  • 49 headshots photography sessions;
  • 4 weddings;
  • 2 music videos;
  • 200+ beautiful faces photographed;
  • 49 blog posts published;

2021 highlights at Anastasia Jobson photography:

Here are some of my favourite projects I had pleasure working on this year!

January – I was hired to film editorial project ‘My Black Joy’ for Instagram, featuring hula-hoop artist and circus performer Symone.

February – a promotional photoshoot for Tafara, a Birmingham based musician

March – A promo video campaign for Kashane Swaby, Birmingham fashion designer.

April – Social content photo & video shoot with MK Health Hub

May – Promotional photography for Tresor by Amani jewelry brand.

June – Music video shoot for Birmingham musician Gaby K single โ€œLike You Shouldโ€

July – promotional photoshoot for Little Hairstyle Club founded by award-winning Midlands hair stylist Tammy Reynolds.

August – I was hired to interview Peter McCaleese who was hired to assassinate Pablo Escobar for a Russian TV channel REN-TV. 

September – Music video shoot for Birmingham musician Gaby K single โ€œNot my boyfriendโ€

October – I had pleasure photographing a celebration of dance at ‘BDN Introducing…’ organised by Birmingham Dance Network.

November – I finally caught up with my sleep! haha

December – I had pleasure photographing a gorgeous wedding of Callum & Danielle at Mill Barns, Bridgnorth (a blog post with a stunning photo gallery is coming soon!).

Bride and groom kissing, weddingphotography at Mill Barns,

Thank you for checking out my blog, it means a lot! If you are looking for Birmingham photography and videography services, make sure to get in touch!

Stay safe and healthy, and have a wonderful Christmas and New 2022!

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